It has been a good year…it really has, and I have accomplished more this year than I have in any other year. To all my friends who supported me this year, I would just like to say thank you, and that it is you all that keep me on the right track =3.
I want to end this year without any regrets, of course I have made some mistakes in 2011, but that’s not what I chose to focus on. I chose to believe in my own abilities and pursue a brighter future and I urge everyone who reads this to do the same. Reflect on the past but do not dwell on it, life is too short and we have too much to do to be distracted by things that have already happened and therefore we have no control over.
When I think about all the stuff I have done in 2011…found love, lost love, made new amazing friends, and learned a new way to look at life, it is kind of surreal that it past by so quickly. Time just creeps by when no one is looking and before we know it is the next day, then next week, then month, and so on. So we have to the make the best out of every single day in any way we can, without stupid things like anger and violence clouding our minds.
My New Year’s Resolution? To make the best of myself that I possibly can. This will be the year that I go off to college, so I will to my best to try and spread positive energy wherever I go. I know just how corny that sounds, but I am sure I can accomplish this goal as long as I keep my head up. I resolve to no longer be scared by the unknown, as terrifying as it is, I resolve to learn to face it. Being humans we have to ability to create in ways that no other race on this planet can do, but our fear of things we do not understand hinders us from truly getting things done. So let’s get over. All of us, all the negative things we hold onto and fear, lets just throw it out and start this year in the right way.
Positivity spreads and if we all look forward to the future than the scares of the past will eventually fade.
Thank you all for reading my random blog of insanity and madness in 2011 and I hope you continue to read in the year that follows, until then