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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just A Little Rant

I started this blog to share my opinions and thoughts on my own life and personal matters letting others into my world so to speak, so I find it appropriate that I talk a little about racism. I know what you’re thinking “another MLK wannabe preaching about equality,” well hush cause that’s not what this is about. There are two recent events that happened and I simply want to discuss the stupidity involved in both cases


This story in general just pisses me off. I realize that not everyone reading this will be a hunger games fan, but I hope that you can still see the stupidity in this. Upon the realization that 3 main characters from the story (*SPOILER* 2 of which die in the movie) people took too twitter to express their outrage at Hollywood for ruining the movie by putting black characters in it. Saying things “the fact that so and so was black mad their death less sad to me / since when has so and so been a nigger / the coolest characters in the movie were black SMH / the fact that so and so were black kinda ruined the movie for me.” First of all, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? Not only did they not read the book (which clearly states that 2 out of the 3 characters that were made black in the movie…were ACTUALLY black according to the books descriptions) but they are complete morons to say that black actors, which were amazing BTW, ruined the movie for them. Since when have we been stuck in the early 1900’s? Are we so used to major movies like harry potter having an all-white cast that we completely eliminate the idea of a black person being involved in any major book related movie? Anyone who thinks that the black people in anyway shape or from degrade the value of this movie is an idiot, plain and simple, I don’t care who you are. The fact that this was mostly MY generation saying all these stupid racist things hurt my soul, I weep for the future if something as small as this movie sparks a major racial outburst. ALSO, anyone who starts a twitter post with the phrase “im not a racist but…” 95% of the time is a racist and should be ignored. I am probably not making much sense right now, but my point is that this is stupid; racism in general is SO TERRIBLY FREAKING STUPID.


Okay I do not care what evidence is coming out in this case, who broke whose nose, and who this alleged witness was, let me preach common sense. Zimmerman (the SELF-PROCLAIMED neighborhood watch security officer) KILLED a 17 year old boy. Now that ALONE is enough to have had Zimmerman arrested on the spot, regardless of the race or gender of the person he shot. But that added to the fact that Zimmerman was obviously only following the kid because he was black (come on, nobody uses the word “coon” to describe a black person unless they are racist) and not a darn thing was done to him. He was not arrested, not through investigated until AFTER the realization of the hate crime spread, and there is a fairly good chance he could walk away a free man. People need to take the blinders off of their eyes and realize that Travon Martin’s is death is the result of a stupid hate crime. Simple as that. You cannot blame the hoodie, or the fact that it was raining, because the ugly truth is that if he were a white child then he would still be alive. I am so sick and tired of people not willing to realize that racism is still a prominent and unnecessary problem in this day and age and them just letting it continue. There was no reason for that boy to die, but maybe his death will serve to show people that racism needs to be given attention, we cannot simply ignore it or not talk about it. How much blood will be shed before we see the light?

Maybe it is just because I am a black male, or maybe it is because I was born with a magical gift known as common sense, but I think racism is stupid. Who are we to judge anyone based off of their skin color when in reality we know nothing about them. These hundreds of years of oppression have left a permanent impression in the minds of so many people in this country, and it does not make sense. Think about it. Does my being black have anything to do with my intelligence? Does your being Asian have anything to do with your strength? Does your being Latino or Latina have anything to do with your desires or dreams? In the end you are you, maybe a tad bit influenced by your culture, but certainly not defined by the color of your skin.

Racism is stupid, it is a bug splatter on the windshield of life that needs to be eliminated…rant over.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Not ashamed...just started writing

Not ashamed

Feel a combo of grief and ecstasy, don’t know why. Got the gift I truly wanted yet now that I have it, I’m afraid it will die. Thus is the pattern for the faux lone ranger, coping with illusions and delusions until his mind if like that of a distant stranger. My life has been a roller coaster of triumph and defeat, all swirling around in a cornucopia, molding to new shape with each major event, each trophy gained, each rejection thrown my way.

But I have never given up.

Fighting through hell and back to show them I exist when in reality I am more whole than they could ever desire. I am not ashamed to say I was cynical, or petty, or straight up evil, because I know sins are forgiven and hope springs eternal. For years I have clawed to improve myself for a dream that in reality was the son of my envy and my longing to be what I thought was a success. And I am sure as hell now not ashamed to say that’s all behind me

I am my freakin’ self.

See I am not ashamed to say that freshman year I was annoying, sophomore year I was distant, junior I was blooming, and now senior year I have made my home in the body of the me I think I am meant to be. friends have come and gone but the true ones stayed, forming my second family, my support system, and my crew all whilst being amazing in find their own true personalities. I’m not ashamed to say that I love because of my friends, who kept me up when others would demonize, criticize, and specialize in crucifying my soul in order to lift themselves up higher.

That’s all behind me.

Im no ashamed to say that my love life has been a wreck, relationships with high expectations crashing down like a comet so fast that I want to vomit on the sick feeling and time of ill breeding that they all seem to share. The world tries to play it off but men, teenagers, I do feel…yet I do not regret for I am not ashamed. “Lifes hard its no game” its truism and I knew it, and in terms of my relationships if crap hit the fan then im probably the one who threw it... Now with her I have to chance to start over, and I’m scared, wary of the past but even more frightened of the uncertain future we share, bound by natural connection and separated by years, Yet I am not ashamed to say that holding your hand in mine, against all odds, makes me feel like everything it is okay…

Ezekiel Jordan Starling

The name of this brave soul who fears no judgment and only wishes to enlighten others who might otherwise be in the dark, torn apart, or weary in their hearts.  Do not curse god nor government for any bad luck you may be down on, instead turn your heads toward the clouds where the angels, whether you believe in them or not, smile down upon, realize the strength of your own identity and remember.

Do not be ashamed…