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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Caught in Between

 As you all may know by now, my cosmic- themed blog stands as my own personal journal and outlet for my often confusing emotions, I put the entirety of my innermost thoughts out on display for the world to see. I do not crave attention nor do I am I trying to change the world, I simply believe that what I am going through is relatable (even though a lot of times I feel alone) and if I keep writing one day I can help someone else find their way.
Now that that is out of the way lets talk about life for a minute. Lately I have been in a perpetual state of gray. At first I figured this was just due to the graying weather outside, but upon deeper introspection I found the answer to be a lot more...sinister. I am a California kid going to school in upstate New York, one of the farthest possible places from my hometown. Now of course this isn't news, I am in my third year and loving it; so why did I bring this point up? Well I feel as though each of my years has been characterized by a distinct feeling or state of mind. Freshman year I was excited, Sophomore year I doubted myself and a lot of my choices (and of course the depression did not help). This year I would describe myself as torn. I am torn between my desire to live out a life in California, and my dream of making my own mark in the world somewhere new. Most of the multimedia platforms I manage (my podcast, this blog, my dance videos) could pretty much be done wherever I am if I have the right equipment, but I feel as though if I move back to the golden state then I will get nothing done. As much as it pains me to say it...there have been a lot of times where California just does not seem like home anymore.

Do not misunderstand me, California raised me. In the bay area I learned how to dance, appreciate other cultures, and stand up for what I believe in. It has given me memories, friends, music, food, and enough sunshine to brighten up anyone's day. However that part of my life is also behind me. I am not a high schooler anymore, when I go home for breaks things seem more and more foreign as the younger generation grows around me and departs on their own journeys. It makes me feel as though I am not doing enough, like I should be spending my breaks in another country or doing an internship, like California will become a crutch if I let it. My grayness stems from the fact that I feel homeless, Rochester is nice enough but I am essentially just visiting, and going home may mean that I never get a chance to actually utilize my potential. I have things I want to do: I want to share my voice and my vision as far as it can go and I won't be content otherwise. Whenever I talk to my family back home it makes me sad, because I have already made the decision that even though California will always be waiting for me with open arms, I may have to reject it's embrace.

I need to make my own path. I want to be able to support myself, I want to one day buy the house we live in so my mother never has to worry ever again, I want my podcast or blog to take off so I can find more and more like minded people and establish a community of artists. I want to create, inspire, and heal people. Everything I do is for the purpose, and if I cannot find a way to make my beautiful home state fit into that dream then I am sorry family but I will not be coming home. I lock myself in my cave here working on so many things at once that it is hard to believe I still find time to enjoy myself. I miss my parents, I miss my grandparents, I miss my hometown, I miss feeling like I had all the answers...but I chose to come here. I chose a life of creation over conformity and have no regrets. I am putting all this out in the air because writing the gray away is one of only things I know for certain. So while things may be confusing now, I am still going to work and do what I love, because that is what California taught me.  

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